This is us..

We have built the Routemaster platform with Africa in mind Public Transport (bus, train or taxi) should be easy! Stating the obvious, yes, but our point is why can't it be?

For most of us this is how we get around, and can be one of the most time consuming and painful parts of our day.

So fast forward two or three years from now.. and we'd like to think Routemaster (meet us on our profile page) has helped you achieve one of our primary missions - Make public transport and travel safer, efficient, reliable and even possibly pleasant.

We don't believe putting a tracker on a vehicle, throwing in a whole bunch of reports and seeing you three or four times a year is acceptable, and it's going to significantly improve your business and ultimately satisfy your customer.

Our goal is to change this mind-set, through our approach and with what we have to offer. Our difference is that we understand the day to day operations of Public Transport, we sit with you to help you understand how your transport business is operating, and through the use of some very clever software (the Routemaster platform) we put buses, trains and taxis where they should be, at the feet of your customers.

We have built the Routemaster platform with Africa in mind, and specifically for what Africa has to offer. Our point... We don't need first world technologies, internet speeds, bandwidth and infrastructure to offer you first class services.

The future of public transport? Knowing what the most efficient routes are, where your customer demand is, being as green as possible, reducing traffic congestion (get them out of their cars) and predicting tomorrows traffic movements (congestion, accidents and roadworks) . But enough about us, our goals, missions and beliefs, What can we do for you?

Future developments

Nothing wrong with a bit of fun, interest and challenge here. So we like to bring onboard ideas and concepts that are not only fun, interesting and challenging, but improve what we're offering.

Predictive Traffic Analytics

What a perfect world we would live in if we knew before we started our journey how we should go about it! We are currently at a research and development phase here, but it won't be long before we remove this section and add it to our product offering.

All things Google - but specifically Maps!

We map public transport services through the use of the Google Maps Business API. For us that is just the start...and we are always looking for ways to further enhance the platform we offer our clients. Typically at every version release of our platform, you WILL notice an additional feature or function that is Google Maps related.

GPS Tracking Devices

Nothing "future" about GPS tracking devices.....? We think so....

Why hide that GPS device under the hood when it should double up as a driver assist service (your smartphone already does this). We have some rather radical thoughts around mobile technologies when combined with traditional GPS tracking devices, and hope to "rock the boat" some time soon.